Selected Working Papers
What matters for the racial disparity in clean heating technology adoption? Evidence from U.S. heat pumps [Paper Link]
Effects of rooftop solar on the distribution grid (with Kenneth Gillingham, Marten Ovaere)
The economic consequences of local urban gas leaks: Evidence from Massachusetts housing market (with Morgan Edwards, Yueming Lucy Qiu, Pengfei Liu)
Impacts of heatwaves on residential electricity reliability: Evidence from power outage data at households in China (with Jing Liang, Yueming Lucy Qiu, Bo Wang, Shangwei Liu)
Peer-reviewed Papers
Jiehong Lou#, Guangxiao Hu, Xingchi Shen#, Ryna Cui. 2024. Quantify the economy-wide employment effect from coal-fired power plants: Two different cases China and the United States. Applied Energy. (#Corresponding author) (Link)
Edwards, Morgan R., Jaime Garibay-Rodriguez, Jacob Shimkus Erickson, Muhammad Shayan, Jing Ling Tan, Xingchi Shen, Yueming Lucy Qiu, and Pengfei Liu. 2024. Assessing inequities in electrification via heat pumps across the US. Joule. (Link)
Yueming Lucy Qiu, Nana Deng, Bo Wang, Xingchi Shen, Zhaohua Wang, et al., 2024. Power supply disruptions deter electrification: Empirical evidence from electric vehicle adoption. Nature Communications. (Link)
Jiehong Lou#, Xingchi Shen#, Deb Niemeier, Nate Hultman, 2024. Income and racial disparity in household publicly available EV infrastructure accessibility. Nature Communications. (#Corresponding author) (Link)
Xingchi Shen, Yueming Lucy Qiu, Xing Bo, Anand Patwardhan, Nathan Hultman, and Bing Dong, 2023. The impact of co-adopting electric vehicles, solar photovoltaics, and battery storage on electricity consumption patterns: Empirical evidence from Arizona. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. (Link)
Xingchi Shen, Yueming Lucy Qiu, Pengfei Liu, Anand Patwardhan, 2022. The effect of rebate and loan incentives on residential heat pump adoption: Evidence from North Carolina. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-48. (Link)
Yueming Lucy Qiu, Yi David Wang, Hiroyuki Iseki, Xingchi Shen, Bo Xing & Huiming Zhang, 2022. Empirical grid impact of in-home electric vehicle charging differs from predictions. Resource and Energy Economics, 67, 101275. (Link)
Xingchi Shen, Pengfei Liu, Yueming Lucy Qiu, Anand Patwardhan & Parth Vaishnav, 2021. Estimation of change in house sales prices in the United States after heat pump adoption. Nature Energy, 6(1), 30-37. (Link)
Xingchi Shen, Yueming Lucy Qiu, Ling Luo & Xiaohao Zheng, 2021. The impacts of special environmental events on short-run electricity-saving behaviors. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9), 094035. (Link)
Jiehong Lou*, Xingchi Shen*#, Deb Niemeier, 2020. Are stay-at-home orders more difficult to follow for low-income groups?. Journal of Transport Geography, 89. (*co-first-author, #corresponding author) (Link) (CGS blog post)
Xingchi Shen, Shoujun Lyu, 2019. Wind power development, government regulation structure, and vested interest groups: Analysis based on panel data of Province of China. Energy Policy, 128, 487-494. (Link)